Wednesday 19 September 2012

Illustration - Week 1 - Day 1

We began this course by experimenting with different drawing and painting techniques to loosen us up and to broaden our perspective on how we should draw. To start off we attached pencils to the end of a long stick and shorter stick, and drew the birds infront of us holding onto the very end of the stick.

At first I thought I'd despise this exercise as I normally concentrate on minute details in pencil drawings and use tiny lines to create that detail; this technique took away that control completely, forcing me to create the birds using sweeping lines. Surprisingly though, I found myself really enjoying the freedom of this technique and the ability it gave me to go over mistakes with heavier lines and that it still looked good after this. I felt that the drawings at the end had much more character and were more interesting than if I had used my normal technique.
We then moved on to transferring this technique to ink, using the end of the sticks to apply the ink with.
I really liked the finished effect as it looked abstract yet captured the shape of the bird really well as this is what I focused on rather than detail. The drips and the build up of lines made this piece quite energetic and interesting to look at.
I really struggled to apply the technique to drawing this owl however. I think that this was due to the Owl having a definate pattern to his feathers; as I hadn't been including detail up to this point, it was really difficult to suddenly have to attempt to include it again. This resulted in the owl looking bare and unanimated.
We finished the session by applying everything we'd learnt (media, technique, tools) to a final piece. I was very happy with this final piece as it contained the same loose, abstract feel by the build up of lines yet was more detailed by the slight use of tone.

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